Sunday, March 24, 2013

Progress report for up coming 1.0.12

There has been some major updates done to the experimental build for the up coming Version 1.0.12
Fixed Compiler bug with option 3 and 4 for none system files.
Fixed Set current project option not working properly
Added the ability to set compression level of the Resources.arsc
Changed the name of recompiled System Applications from unsigned to system to keep the two from being confused
Code Clean up clearing out unused code
UPDATED to apktool-cli-1.5.3-SNAPSHOT
-Updated to smali/baksmali to v1.4.2
-Fixed (issue #396) - Correctly handle android:debuggable while in debug mode.
-Fixed (issue #340) - Fixed superclass errors on debug mode.
-Updated to Gradle 1.4
-Updated known bytes for configurations to 38 (from addition of layout direction)
-Fixed NPE when handling odex apks even with --no-src specified. (Thanks Rodrigo Chiossi)
-Fixed (issue #427) - Correctly handles `--frame-path` on [b]uild
Added smali/baksmali for adding new up coming  Deodex features
Added now when compiling with option 12 when you choose option 3 and 4 it names the apk files to show they have the origianl signature keys
Added new Signing method for signing apk files. With this new method the key used has a shelf life of 1000 years and also apks files signed with this key is able to be published on the android market
Added new checks to cleaning up old recompiled apk files before recompiling again.
Added pause breaks into option 12 so that users can check to see if anything went wrong in the recompiling method when using the keep folder option.
Updated option 13 to use a alternative to a signing method which uses the Java_Home Enviroment Varable which needs to point to for example mine is set to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41
Added Batch Decompile option
Added Batch Compile option
Completely rewrote how recompiled apk files are stored so to not clutter up the place-apk-here-for-modding as that folder is just for storing unmodified apk files.
Updated the signer location to match up with the changes to how modified apk files are handled

I am planning on some more major tweaks before I plan on releasing the next release but listed above I'd just a taste of what's to come


  1. great
    but every mirror is offline #apkmanager5

  2. have you looked here

  3. got it...
    btw thanks for your great tools
